Friday, May 30, 2008

Memorial Day Tribute

Michael Joseph Miller
Sgt. U.S. Army, WWII

This is a little late, but I wanted to get solo acts from my little "AMERICAN IDOL" I hope that everyone was blessed with a safe and happy holiday and also took time to pay tribute to those we have loved and lost in our lives.
Enjoy the show....

Grand Ole Flag

Star Spangled Banner

Nifty 50 States

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Jingle Jam - Memorial Day Weekend

We had a family fun day on Saturday. It was wonderful being outside! We went to Jingle Jam at Crown Center. The highlight of the day was the Mr. Stinky Feet concert. By the time of the performance, we were hot, tired and full of junk food.

Already we've had some beautiful weekends!

Kiera is quite the entrepreneur.
She worked the neighborhood garage sale weekend, so we had lots of traffic.
Everyone is a sucker for an ice cold lemonade.
Emma, Ellie and Kiera were so cute, who could resist.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Why am I blogging, again?

Here I am, I finally made it! Haven't really figured out why I'm here. I think it's to be able to mention that I have "a blog" during coffee shop conversation. Or, maybe it's to take on my Andy Rooney perspective about everything in life that baffles and annoys me. But, mostly I'm hoping that it will give me the opportunity to share and update my friends and family on the "Hot Topics" going on in the Rader household.

I've had this blog for about a week, but couldn't think of anything to share. So I'm not off to a very good start. I attempted a MySpace page a few years back and it consisted of a picture, but never any postings, friends, slideshows...etc.

I've spent the last few hours reading other blogs to help my creative juices start to flow. It's been a very interesting and educational visit into this new world of blogging. I have found a couple of scrapbooking bloggers, also some really deep (maybe too deep) thoughts, a lot of teenagers, businesses and now a have a vast knowledge of Historical Minature Wargaming...go figure.

But my favorites are the families, sharing their lives. Just the tidbits of nothing. Small wonders through their children's eyes....that's what I want to share and most importantly hopefully be able to archive these posting for future reference.

It feels like I'll be keeping a diary where you hold the key.
